☀️Put your focus glasses on 🕶️

☀️Put your focus glasses on 🕶️

Hello my favorite! ☀️How was that eclipse for you? Hopefully fully equipped with the right gear so all retinas were protected and well loved. ❤️ Over here, I was amused by those special glasses. Amused by the fact that besides blocking all the damaging rays, the...
🗓️Plan your month – like you mean it!💪🏼

🗓️Plan your month – like you mean it!💪🏼

My love…. if you are reading this, that means it worked!!! 💌 My newsletter finally got sent AND I now get to post on my blog again 😍 {pssttt, newsletter subscribers always get the latest earlier than the blog. Plus some extras. Join us right here} That was my...
📃🤔Are we even on the same page?

📃🤔Are we even on the same page?

Hello my fave! Didja know that what we notice and perceive is not the exact same thing others notice and perceive? And that the more we are intertwined in our own world the less we realize other people’s POV? Yea, you know that. But sometimes we forget. And a...
🍬🍡The TREATS awaiting you!

🍬🍡The TREATS awaiting you!

Helllooooo my favorite! 🛍️ Didja think I forgot about our ✨Bright Friday✨ offers? Never! This is the thing about working for ourselves and creating our own rules — when they don’t work, we change them! And with that, the “rule” I created in my...