🗓️We have a DATE!!🙌🏼⭐️ and it’s sooner than you think!🤩

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Ok my love, this is IT!

Walking my talk it is.

⭐️One of the main things I told myself I was going to focus on this year was:

✨Community & Connection✨

And just like with any goal or intention setting we do:

👉🏼 It doesn’t work, if WE don’t work it.

Soooooo time for action over here💪🏼🤩

THIS right here is the juiciness we are going to dive in — if you are to accept the challenge: 😎

🎥📒 On Friday, May 17th at 6pm CST we are gathering LIVE and online to plan, organize and recalibrate for the last two weeks of the month.

I’m calling our get-together…

✨The Planning Party!✨

🎯 In it we will narrow down what we want to accomplish still this month, the steps to do it, staying proactive about possible obstacles to it and come up with a step-by-step action plan to take daily for it to happen ✅💪🏼

📒And of course, very well structured, illustrated, colorful and all-around useful and delicious printable is coming with it!🥰

Also I want to check in and see how are you doing , how you have been 😍

Now the question that doesn’t seem to shut is…

Are you in?🤩🙌🏼

All you have to do is RSVP through the box below and stay tuned to your inbox this week as the printable will be flying through the cyber spaces to land your inbox.💌

As well as the zoom link and that juicy stuff 😉

🌍⏰ Check what time our Planning Party is happening in your part of the world by clicking this link here.

oh! And this event is totally ✨free✨ my pumpkin!


🎥Put your info riiight below to sign up for it!👇🏼

Talk to you again very soon!





Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


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