👽🎀Call me crazy but… we get to set our own rules!

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Helllooo my favorite! I’m back!

Back being the main focus here : my long standing back “things” as I like to call it, needed some TLC after the last few weeks of intense non-stop doing.

The beauty of working for yourself and creating your own schedule is what always dazzles me day in-day out, even after all those years:

👉🏼 Work gets to be flexible and adaptable to our lives not the other way around. So when a day off is needed? We go for it.

And with that my love, after a whole day of rest and restoring I’m back and of course with extended offer days — less rushy and more grounded dates:

👩🏻‍💻✨Offers extended all the way till the end of this week🗓

…when a bright new month arrives ✨

The last one of 2023, can you believe it?

And exactly because of that I can’t stress enough how:

📍 The time is now to create all that we have been planning on.

👉🏼 Getting organized and sorting out our planner system to enter the new year grounded and clear? Right now is the time to do so!

👉🏼 Getting our website up and running to freaking FINALLY feel confident showing up online {and offline} and go all in in our businesses in the new year? Right now is the time to do so!

Truth be told thou I have barely told you much about the Website Done program.

A few things you really need to know about it:👇🏼

Website Done is a program to help you get your website up and running, while knowing WITH CONFIDENCE that it was intentionally built to support your business goals.
That snazzy theme or template you once tried that unsurprisingly turned out feeling so off after you published?

There is a reason for that, my love.
There are many reasons actually, small and big details that the vast majority of people are unaware of when trying to put together a website.

👉🏼 Yet, YOURS on the other hand…. as you learn how to build it through the program, it will be created piece-by-piece and tailored to YOU and YOUR business to get results, whichever are the ones you are focusing on right now : list building, booking sessions, booking readings, selling programs and courses, promoting books or even just having a reliable and professional representation of you as you are getting the word out there about your business.

And the best part, not only it will be strategically built to support your business, YOU will have built it yourself and people won’t be able to even tell it! 😀

Because we know how looking at a website and seeing it as professionally done is a completely different ball game.

👉🏼 First impressions matter. And second and third and all the ones after also matter.

And on each step of the way, we grab people’s attention and keep their interest going and engaged throughout the journey.

👩🏻‍💻 All the nuances, details and specifics of that process I will be covering in the Website Done Program.👇🏼

🗓 We start on Dec 8th: in a bit over a week from today!

I can NOT wait to pass along to you all the goodness I've been learning over the years and watching you implement everything in your own website!

Right here is the link to read all about it AND take advantage of the 50% off.

Any questions, let me know!

Many Smooches,




💬 Pssst… all offers from before are also included in the extended period!

👉🏼 Your website done by moi🙋🏻‍♀️, in a 1:1 format, fully customized to you? Click riiiight on this link.
👉🏼 The Planner Bundle to help you get set up, grounded and ready for the new year? Click riiiiiight here to sign up

Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


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