✨Finally a WORK planner!✨

✨Finally a WORK planner!✨

Aaaaand we are back! Another installment of the Filofax Saga is here! 😀 Sooooo, so far all those past planner posts, I was covering  the PERSONAL LIFE side of it. F-I-N-A-L-L-Y at some point I realized that a Planner would suit me very well at work. #WellDuh 😁 {As if...
✨This Planner was like no other✨📒

✨This Planner was like no other✨📒

ok lovely, let me tell you something…. If you’ve been following my Filofax Saga from the last two last posts, I have some shocking news for you…. The Saga hadn’t REALLY started…. it starts ✨NOW!✨ Whyyyy? 😀 Welp, those initial posts I sent...
✨NEW Printable!✨ – On Dreams and Stuff

✨NEW Printable!✨ – On Dreams and Stuff

Happy Tuesday my love!!! Sooooooo I’ve lately I’ve been talking a lot about dreams and fulfilling them. If you missed the “latest episodes” on the topic you can catch up right below: 🌷Why willpower fails… 🌷If it is that important to you, why hadn’t you fully...