✨The moment I KNEW my online business was being born✨

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Happy Weekend, love!

💃🏻✨I am beyond this world excited to show you what I’ve been polishing up lately!


No kidding — months of archives digging, broken links fixing, tweaks and adjustments, glitches to no-end and all sorts of things that happen when an idea is back, ready to be reborn through you.✨ {Isn’t it delicious when it hits? 😍}


Here is the thing love, ages ago, back home as a little girl, I actually put in my head that at some point, one day in life, I’d illustrate a book just like the ones I was drooling over. 


Those books were my mom’s work around to the fact that she reallydisliked cooking but knew “there’s always a way” {as she’d say} to make things work out for us.


She’d buy {for me and for her}, illustrated cooking books for children.


Why for her? Well, she knew the recipes would be easy to make and she’d be able to tackle them if I couldn’t.


And for me? oh, the illustrations! The deliciousness of getting lost on each detail of each corner and shade and color and nuance of the foods, the utensils, the elves {yes, there were elves in my books…. cooking! 😃🧝🏼‍}, all so so so good!


Every time she’d pull out those books I KNEW things were about to get real, real FUN!


Us “girls” together, chatting, giggling, squeezing food {HA! Food is meant to be squeezed before eaten 😁 }, having an awesome time making dishes come to live and then….. the continued fun that was my mom’s specialty – creating decorations for the “party”.


Meaning one dish, one cookie platter, one sandwich roll, anything we did in the kitchen, would get a special something something to go with it – painted card labels, toppers, ingredients list, any kind of fun crafty thing that my mom could come up with in a whim.


THAT was her area of expertise actually! She was an artist {have I told you that?}, like making a full time living from it, and that part was second nature to her. I bet she couldn’t wait to wrap up the dishes and cleaning in the kitchen to get to the fun arts & crafts stuff ✂️🔖


Anyway, continuing with my history…..


So as a kid those moments with her and those books really got imprinted on me.


And I told myself I’d illustrate a recipe book for kids but with ALL of it in it – crafts included, the whole shebang!

Welp, guess what Raine? 😃

✨Today I am F-I-N-A-L-L-Y bringing back to you, directly from LimeTreeFruits archives, that children’s cooking little book I promised myself I’d illustrate as a kid!✨


I can’t begin to describe you how delicious it has been to have been revisiting all that goodness in the last few weeks {months actually}, getting everything ready for you again!

I illustrated it years ago, put out for sale on my blog and it was memorable!!!! ✨The very first digital product that I sold✨ AND I felt, nah, I KNEW, from then on that I’d be able to make that online business “thang” work for me! {*tear shed} I still remember the name of the first person who bought it {my very first customer!}  and the notification in my email! {* more tears shed}

For real, this darling thing has all sorts of special feels going on for me.

And I can’t WAIT to show you now 😍

I re-did the sales page as well – all is more clear to see and you can actually read it on a phone! 😁 hehe

AND the most fun part! 

All the recipe printables, are now living in our private members area, so any time you need to print or reprint one of the recipes or party printables, they are there for you in the same place.

No more digging old emails!




Ok, love enough with the talk, you need to come see this juiciness!


All ready for you 😍


Meet ya over there 🤩







Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


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