✨📒Brand NEW Printable! 🤩 And a note on your happiness… 💖

manifestation, mindset, planners | 0 comments

Hellluuuuu pudding!! ✨


How have you been these days? 🤗


I wanted to send you a quick note today.
{HA! If you know me…. “quick” 😉 }


Anyway, a note. I wanted to send you a note.


About your happiness and joy.


I was talking to a friend the other day and I was trying to cheer her up. As I dug in deeper on how she was feeling we uncovered this insanity that she learned growing up: “how dare you feel well, or even happy, when there is so much wrong in the world“?


You know that crazy thing of, if there’s hunger in the world why would we be very well-fed and enjoying life?


Insane, right to hear something like this?! Yet my friend was taught that way. If someone is suffering, she should show “support” by not being too happy.

The hunger example… We know that us eating less, not feeding ourselves well and going down the path of starvation is NOT going to stop hunger. It is not by joining in their pain that we help. It is by standing strong in our own goodness, happiness, wealth and health that we can support. It’s our optimal physical health, mental health and spiritual health that guide us to solutions to help us and others.


So back to my friend…… she was struggling to feel fine with life, to admit to herself that all is well and she has no reason to fear. And worse yet, in her words…. “dare I say… feel happy?!”


The guilt when she said that was so apparent. She even duck a little and got closer to the screen {yes, zoom!} as if she was telling me a little secret that no one could hear.


And she actually was. It was her ‘lil secret that in some moments, during those turbulent times, she was actually…. happy.

Happy to have time to bake, happy to have time to curl up with a book, slow down her days, rest and be with herself for a moment.


Her husband thou, has been {very VERY understandably!} in an anxiety roller coaster. And he’s been feeding her with all the reasons why she should be too. So her guilt crept in.


The thing is love, that I was reminding her and came here to remind you too:


Hang on to those good feelings you have, for as long as you can.


Actions based on fear, decisions based on fear, never lead to good results.


If you are one of the lucky ones, like my friend, that have been finding yourself actually feeling mostly calm, well and enjoying your downtime, rejoice in it and let go of any guilt for how you are feeling.


Your worrisome and anxiety won’t help the next person also dealing with it. It will make them spiral down even more.


It’s safe to feel good.

And we need you to feel good. 


For this little reminder love, I created this morning a special gift for you! So you don’t forget of this truth and you carry it with you.


Put it in your walls, in your planners, in your laptop, in your gadgets, wherever you need this reminder every day! 📱📒💖



I separated all download links for you so you can save them directly to your tablet or phone. Here we go:


🌷Desktop Wallpaper :: Click here 
🌷Tablet Wallpaper :: Click Here
🌷Phone Wallpaper :: Click here 
🌷Planner Personal Size :: Click here 
🌷Planner A5 Size :: Click here
🌷Wall Art :: Click here


So very needed isn’t it? 😊


Now love, continuing in the flow of YOU feeling good and keeping that vibe high up, my second reminder of the day is this:


📒Your Planner FUN is getting way more juicy!


Throughout this period, the✨Get Planned Course ✨ has never been so handy!


Nothing like going back to the goodness that got us started in the planning world, petting covers, smelling binders and getting our things in order. 😍


There are loads of EXCLUSIVE printables in this Planner Course, with videos {and their unique facial expressions} but most importantly – planner fun



Come on over to read the full description of the course, week by week, module by module, PLUS BONUSES!


Any questions, let me know in the comments!

Stay very well and hold on tight to those good feelings of yours!

Many Smooches,




Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


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