Washi Tape Galore

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Washi Tape GiveAway // Limetreefruits.com

Happy Tuesday peeps!
A very juicy surprise for ya today:

LimeTreeFruit’s very first evah giveaway!
Better yet, a Washi Tape Giveaway
And to make it too good to be true {it is true!} it is a


Do you know those peeps that you admire and stalk *aham* follow in every social media platform? Yep, that’s me after Aimee’s work.

And I actually bought one of her prints right before coming here to Paradise. It was a gift to hubby as it is all about the ocean that he loves so much. 🙂

Anywho, I was literally jumping upside-down when I got Aimee’s email about helping promote her new Washi Tape Collection. WOW!!! My blog helping spread the word??

YES! Let’s do it!!! 😀 Such an honor!

By the way, if you hadn’t heard about Aimee yet I urge you to go check out her work. It is so yummy, delicious and uplifting. You can find her Etsy shop here and her website here.

You heading over there now? I understand you want to go drool over the pictures for a while…
Go ahead, do it and then come back here for the giveaway talk.

{waits playing with some washi tapes}

You are back!
Did you fell in love with her work just as I have? I knew it! 😀 *giggles*
Now I am ready to present you this gorgeous and unique can’t-find-anywhere-else Washi Tape collection:

Washi Tape GiveAway // Limetreefruits.com

You can win THE ENTIRE COLLECTION of six different designs!!!

By the way, the cutest thing ever is this little card Aimee sends with them:

Washi Tape GiveAway // Limetreefruits.com

Suggestions on where and how to use your washi tape! You know, in case you need some enabling ideas 😉

Now, for the designs details:

{Warning – Washi Tape porn is out in the open today!}

Washi Tape GiveAway // Limetreefruits.com

Drooling much?

***psst, a secret!*** Artsyville giveaways are happening in other blogs as well! 😉 Check out the schedule:

Monday, September 9  Rachel Awes  https://allididwaslisten.blogspot.com
Tuesday, September 10 Joanne Sharpe https://joannezsharpe.blogspot.com
Wednesday, September 11 Jill Berry https://jillberrydesign.com/2013/09/11/birthday-book-with-tape/
Thursday, September 12 Lindsay Hopkins https://www.penandpaintblog.com
Friday, September 13 Traci Bunkers https://www.tracibunkers.com/blog
Monday, September 16 Lori Vliegen https://elviestudio.blogspot.com
Tuesday, September 17  Raine Boyd https://limetreefruits/www.limetreefruits.com
Wednesday, September 18 Samie Harding https://www.journalgirl.com
Thursday, September 19 Carolyn Dube https://www.acolorfuljourney.com
Friday, September 20 Tammy Garcia https://daisyyellowart.com


And over here at LimeTreeFruits, how do you win those cutie-pies?
Very easy. Just complete each one of the tasks and register on the little box at the very end of this post.


  • In the comments let us know your fave design out of the six. No worries! The winner will get all them, the question is just for fun 🙂
  • Like Artsyville on Facebook
  • Like LimeTreeFruits on Facebook
  • Tweet about the giveaway! **hint** {this one you can do daily which will give you more points and increase your chance to win!} **wink, wink**

You have until next Monday at 11:59pm to enter. The lucky winner will be announced on Tuesday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Complete ALL your tasks, record it in the box {otherwise I don’t know you complete it} and good luck!

Have a lovely colorful and lucky week!


*********************** UPDATE!!!!! *****************************

Party Peeps, this is fun!
Loving reading your faves and love notes 🙂

A few of you mentioned you are not sure how do the “tweet thing”. So here comes a tutorial!

For the Facebook one {yep, including it here just in case}, you just need to hit “like” and click the green button. If you are already a fan of the page you just need to let the cyberspace-counting-box know it by clicking the green button:Washi Tape GiveAway // Limetreefruits.com

For the tweet one, you need to click on the tweet square on the left, tweet it and then on your twitter page grab the link of the tweet and past it in the box. If you are not sure how to find the link, right above the box there is a link “How do i find it?” that shows you how. Seems complicated but it is not, I promise you sweets! 😀

Washi Tape GiveAway // Limetreefruits.com

Finally after all is set and done you should see your box totally grayed out like this:

Washi Tape GiveAway // Limetreefruits.com

And THAT means you are in the running!

The tweet one will be available again once you come back tomorrow. And everyday till Monday. That way you can tweet each time and increase your chances to win. 😉

That’s it darlings! Keep your entries coming and have fun!


Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


  1. Debbie Johnson

    My fave is Love charms because I love hearts.

  2. storybeader

    I love aimee’s washi tape. Haven’t seen the “wrapping” – love it! {:-D

  3. storybeader

    Opps, forgot to say my favorite. It’s the little houses! {:-Deb

  4. Sabinek

    Dear Raine,
    all 6 Washi tapes are so cute, but my
    favorite is jolly town.
    The houses are so cute.

  5. Karissa Mundt

    My absolute fav is the Secret Garden! So cheerful!

  6. aimee

    thank you, Raine — you made me do a happy dance over here with this post! thanks also to everyone who has entered! xo, aimee

  7. Aisazia

    I like them all but I’m partial to creative fire. 😀

  8. lindsay

    I love creative fire and love charms best, but of course I love them all!

  9. Ellyn

    at the moment Jolly Town is crying out to me. but that could change. just sayin…

  10. Melissa T.

    Jolly Town is my absolute favorite, but honestly I love them all!

  11. Jamie Herron

    Today, my favorite is Secret Garden (everyday a different resonates with me). I am so excited about this contest and being exposed to new artists!!!! Love your site!!!

  12. Michelle Remy

    I love them all of course but I think “Creative Fire” is ahead by just a tad! Thank you for the chance to win!

  13. Lynda

    I love the Jolly Town print!!! Thank you for the chance to win!

  14. tabitha Klucking

    I really do like them all–so colorful–but I guess I’ll pick Wild Vine. Thanks!

  15. Michelle Lau

    All so adorable, but Wild Vine gets my vote 🙂

  16. Tracy

    My favorite is the love charms!!

  17. Nancy Lefko

    LOVE “Happy Trails” and pretty much everything that Aimee creates!

  18. Arkeva Knowles

    The love charms are my fave! Super cute and colorful just cannot have a bad day looking at that!

  19. Trece Wyman

    I love them all, but Secret Garden is my favorite!!

  20. tammy b

    IF i were FORCED to choose, it would be creative fire 🙂

  21. anna boyd

    Love the blue w houses and trees best. These are the coolest most modern prints ive seen. Would love to decorate w all of them!!!

  22. Brooke

    I have always wanted some washi tape! Artsyville’s designs are so cute! I like the love charms one 🙂

  23. Annie

    These designs are absolutely adorable!!!

  24. Annie

    Whoops, and my favorite design is the secret garden one!

  25. Ginny D.

    I love the secret garden one! It’s such a cute design and the colours really stand out.

  26. Tess

    Secret garden!

  27. Elizabeth Kelly

    I love the secret garden one

  28. Faye

    I love the Wild vine.. those are my favorite colors!!!

  29. Michal

    I love the wild wine

  30. Julie

    OMG I love them all but my favorite is heart charms! what a great give away!

  31. gaila c

    I’m loving Jolly Town. Thanks

  32. Nicola McLean

    I love jolly town. The coloyrs and the super sweet designs!

  33. Niamh M

    I love them all, but Jolly Town the most!!

  34. Esther B.

    I like the creative fire washi

  35. Janice Wood

    Oh dear spoilt for choice here. Creative fire I think 🙂

  36. Linda Kittmer

    Wow! It’s so hard to choose just one, but I guess my ultimate favourite is Jolly Town

  37. Susi

    Hi my favourite is Secret Garden, but I love them all!!

  38. Robyn

    So pretty and colorful!!! Favorite? …..uh…..(drools)

  39. Faith

    I love the washi tape with the houses. It’s really hard to just choose one!

  40. Dawn Maurice

    I love Jolly Town–it’s just too cute!! They’re all really great though!

  41. Sandy

    They are all so cool, but my favorite is Jolly Town. I’d love to live in Jolly Town someday. 😉

  42. Susan Williams-Göbber

    I like the creative fire.Ist my fav of the six. Would also fit nicely to your month on two pages, Don’t you think?

  43. Sheila Rambeck

    I love the Wild Vine one!

  44. April

    I really love the orange!

  45. Angela Lower

    I love secret garden. So cute. I do not own any washi tape, so I love the card that goes with it for the ideas.

  46. Donna Joy

    today i’m liking creative fire 🙂 but i like them all~

  47. Maria Gonzalez

    My fav is love charms. Colors love all lovely

  48. Maloney, Annette

    I love jolly town! Thanks 🙂

  49. Carla Hundley

    All these washi tapes are
    so fun and cute, but I really
    like Jolly Town!
    Carla from Utah

  50. Andi

    I favorite is all of them simply because I love different things like me.

  51. Christine

    Secret Garden! So cute!

  52. Amanda Paige

    Secret Garden!!

  53. Mary C. Nasser

    My favorite is the Love Charms tape!
    I love the blue color!!

  54. Susana Felix

    I love the colors and the designs… so vibrant!! Love charms is my favourite! <3

  55. Antonia Tillman

    ALL are so cute! But my favorite is Love charms!

  56. sue

    Creative fire is looking kind of fun along with jolly town as a fave also! Would love to win this set to play with!

  57. Stargirl

    Secret Garden is still my favorite. I love the yellow background. It’s so happy. 🙂

    I also love your blog!

  58. Julia

    I LOVE the Wild Vine one 🙂

  59. Nisa

    My favorite is Jolly Town!

  60. Maria

    Happy trails is my favorite!

  61. Jodie ( JoJo )

    I have been eyeing her washi on Instagram every time I see it! It all so beautiful!
    I would have to say wild vines is my fav. It’s green and that’s my favorite color!
    Thanks for being part of the blog hop!!!

  62. mindy

    I NEED SOME WASHI …will be SOOOooooo GRATEFUL IF I WIN !!!! i LOVE YOUR DESIGNS !!!! …what else can i say = it’s the BESTEST… EVER wowozer colours <3 gratefully , m

  63. michelle p

    I’m soooo in love with all of these tapes but secret garden is my favorite!

  64. Anne

    Wild Vine, but Jolly Town is a close fav!

  65. Ruth

    I adore the little houses!!! I want to make cards and gift bags and and and and

  66. meg

    I couldn’t make up my mind at first. But it’s Happy Trails. I want to go on Happy Trails anywhere.Liked on FaceBook also.Thank You

  67. Micalela

    Orange is my fav color so I have to pick Creative Fire as my fav. But they are all bright & cheery

  68. Krista R

    Love the Secret Garden1

  69. Laura

    I fell in love with the Jollytown print the *second* I saw it.

  70. Tina Gilliland

    OMGosh… chosing one.. well… I’d have to go with Secret Garden because it has YELLOW!!! Bright and sunshiney!

  71. Michele Ford

    I think the Love Charms is adorable!

  72. Missy Naughton

    I like…love…Secret Garden!

  73. Barbara I.

    Secret Garden is my favorite but it was difficult to choose! Sorry, I don’t tweet but I can check off all the other things on the list. I am at bkisrael@gmail.com should I be the lucky winner. Crossing my fingers. Glad you were on the “hop” as it led me to you!

  74. Kelly Marriott

    Love Jolly Town!

  75. Sass

    Secret Garden is my fave out of the bunch. All are vibrant and pretty.

  76. Pat Gome

    Love Secret Garden washi!!

  77. Katrin

    I love creative fire, it’s so full of energy!

  78. J Mak

    I love the creative fire one!

  79. Dj dany g

    Love the Jolly Town tape! But all are adorable!

  80. Miriam Prantner

    Great giveaway! I think my favorite is Jolly Town.

  81. Rhonda Miller

    I love these tapes. It’s hard to choose one, but I’d have to say secret garden or jolly town.

  82. Irene

    I love all !! specially love charm.

  83. Angela Ke

    It is truly hard to decide which is my favorite as I love all the bright colors. but if I must the wild vine is one of the favs. Thanks

  84. Christine

    I just love washi tape it cheers every thing up so quickly can’t get enough of it
    My fav is secret garden thank you for the chance

  85. Allison

    OMG these washi tapes are so cute. I love them all. 🙂

  86. Marsha

    I love all of them…but like the secret garden best if forced to choose

  87. SEM

    I really want to win this tape! I love the hearts!

  88. Nancy Sapp

    I LOVE them ALL but Jolly Town is the darlingest! (U know what I mean) Please pick me! I’ve never won anything On-Line!

  89. sandra sherman

    Wonderful. fun washi tape. Thanks for the link

  90. Monica S

    I’m in LOVE with Love Charms!

  91. Linda on the Prairie

    Love the list of uses! I’ll have to get mine out a try a few of these.

  92. Pat Owen

    Oh, I love the Artsyville Washi Tapes, ESPECIALLY the Creative Fire! Love that bright orange!

  93. Tasha

    I love Jolly Town! Actually I love them all!!!

  94. Tamiko McCurry

    my fave? tie between love charms and jolly town!! OMGosh I love these!! They make my heart sing.. I think I commented that on every blog post.. but it does.. and it’s sooo true!!.. 🙂

  95. Faye

    Love your art this week. I wondered what one did with washi tape. Now I know.

  96. Debbie

    All of the designs are adorable! I think ‘Secret Garden’ is my favorite.

  97. Gill

    Jolly Town is my favourite!

  98. KarenLS

    My favorite is Jolly Town.

  99. Abby Hamilton

    My favorite is the lucky charms because i’m all about hearts and love.

  100. Ei

    My favorite design would have to be the Creative Fire!

  101. samara

    I am in LOVE with Artysville’s work!!! HPPF!

  102. sandy :)

    Oh my fave is the happy trails but they are all so wonderfully fun and funky.. Cant wait to my hands on some..
    Sandy 🙂

  103. Roberta Smith

    Love the Creative Fire!

  104. Valentina

    My favorite design is Jolly Town 🙂

  105. Nicolette Choi

    Love them all! Especially Love Charms and Jolly Town!

  106. Debbie

    Jolly Town Rocks! Totally cute!

  107. Elva

    My fave is jolly town

  108. Christi Daugherty

    I love the happy trails, but they are all so much fun!

  109. Amy Anders

    My fav is the hearts, I’m a heart girl!


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