The FeelGood ToolBox

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Beautiful people! Didja miss yet? 😀

Since JUNE I don’t stop by for a hello. Crrraaazzy!!

Of course, since it took me so long I’m full of juicy updates and goodness for you 🙂

The last few weeks have been a ‘tad’ intense, in many different ways — thanks crazy Leo month with all the eclipses, retrogrades and astral hardcore partying up there! {sigh}

And all sorts of perspectives were called in to be faced – the so-called ‘good’ and the so-called ‘bad’ ways
{they are never ‘bad’ per say, they are all a form of learning, growth, ya, ya, ya 🙄 #ILooseMyCoolSometimesSearchingForTheSilverLinning }

Then I had a psych reading with one of my faves and TOS {Team Other Side – the ones over there, helping us over here… ya know….. guides, angels, etc etc} reminded me of all the good stuff that I already know that can lift me up and to create a handy toolbox of them.

In other words, when shiz hits the fan instead of me scrambling to clean up the mess and even trying to remember how to do so, it’s easier to have a handy list of the most effective tools that help me get out of it – hence the toolbox.

So I started writing down a few things that came to mind and put some in practice right away.

Here are a few of them in pictures and all 😀

1- Do artsy stuff. OF COURSE! This one is a no brainer, how did I leave it to the side? I’ve doing it a lot lately, and this one here is overflowing with goodness ❤️✨




2- Wayne Dayer’s Affirmation/meditation : “I am what I am and I’m worthy of all the goodness that is the Universe and everything in it, including me” << That one gets me in the ZONE just like that!


3- Remembering I am a spiritual being living a 3D experience and I’m meant to fully live the goodness on earth {and YOU as well} << that one too, flips my perception in a blink of an eye!


4- MUSIC! Of course! And this one is so easy…. because differently than drawing/painting/visual arts in general, I don’t need to create it to feel good and to feel the release that it brings me. It’s already there. I just let it come to me. Here’s one of the many that pulls me into good feelings instantly.



5- Playing with Cinnamon! She’s a goof ball! Full of nails sticking out and grabbing stuff. Even tea bags  😻🍵



6- Wearing my fave outfits!! No need to be fancy, high heels and all that jazz. EVERYDAY pieces that TRULY speaks to me is all I need. Like this darling skirt :: Pink + Flowers. How wouldn’t it lift me up right away? What not to love about it? 🌸

{pardon the low quality pic. I’m just coming to my senses that my phone is REALLY old and so is the camera in it 📸💁🏻‍♀️}



6- And of course, a quick and SIMPLE grateful list! And I mean reeeeeallly simple, where for instance I’m super-grateful for moments like this….. having this orange-cute-fluffy-pie staring at me the whole time while I’m getting ready. She’s just too adorable 💖

7- Being here with you! Omg…… Doing THIS!!!! The deliciousness of writing those posts, communicating and connecting with LimeTreeFruits community! SO SO SO grateful that you are here with me. Knowing you are here with me truly raises my vibes and makes me smile – a lot! 💞💞💞


And with all that in mind, sweets, OF COURSE a printable started boiling inside of me 😀    All yours to grab, print and fill out to have it ready for ‘those’ not-so-fun moments that you need a pick me up.

A customized/personalized pick me up FeelGood ToolBoox, tailored to YOUR needs! Juicy or what? 😉


Click the button below and run with it!


AND once you are done printing it and filling it out, post it on Instagram and tag me @limetreefruits, ya? 😀 I’d LOOOOVE to see your FeelGood TooBox in action!

Waiting for ya over there :))






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Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


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