Cozy, Healing and Homey.

happy, mindset | 6 comments

Hello you gorgeousness!

How is everything going these days?

Here at Lime Tree’s HeadQuarters things have been gradually changing. 🙂

Not sure what happend this past month but I felt very drained, unmotivated and pulled back.
My back started acting up again, almost as bad as the last crisis.

To make things even more “fun”, a whole revolution started – better saying, continued – happening within.
Which is actually not bad. Change and transformation are always good.
The process sometimes is a bit painful. 😀 Specially if you keep resisting and trying to fight it like I was doing.

BUT! Things always get better when we allow space for it to happen! Always!

I have been slowly opening up to the changes and releasing fears to transition into the new year.
And today was a great day for that.

Absurdly cold out, we had our very first real winter snow.
The light reflecting on the whiteness of the snow was just drop-dead gorgeous.

Peaceful, calming and soothing.

As I am still healing my back, I can’t sit for too long. Actually for not even “too short”.
So my *aham* office moved from my sweet lovely studio downstairs to the counter by the kitchen window:

HQ' second office

Lime Tree’s HQ second office

So pretty!

There I was this morning,”cozed” up with all my tools to embrace, welcome and transition into the new year: Laptop, Daily Planner and Projects Planner.

And because of that I felt much more energized and close to my old excited-self.
Quietness and stillness are truly healing.

Aaahh, relief! Homy feelings coming back. Right on time for our Christmas “staycation”. 🙂

What about you sweets? How is your year-end wrapping up?

Soothing hugs,




Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


  1. Chris Boyd

    Nice to have some snow around the holidays, but I can live without the cold, brrr!

    • LimeTree

      Yeah, I would skip the cold as well. I am ready for some beach time! ;D

  2. Kanalt17

    What a lovely place for all of your filos! I hope you feel better soon and have a very merry Christmas!

    • LimeTree

      Kanalt! Nice to see you!
      Yeah, need to be careful, hopefully it will get better soon. How is your leg doing by the way?
      Merry Christmas to you too 🙂

      • kanalt17

        Thanks! I’ve been here, just busy. 🙂 Both knees are coming along. Much better than they were, but not perfect. May never be. I just have to working it, as slow as the process is.

        • LimeTree

          That is great news! Healing is a slow process, isn’t it? I am not too patient 😀
          And just like you said, I am starting to realize that my back will probably never be the same again. I need to stop fighting it, never ever overdue and constantly take care of it. That will probably help some!hehe


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