29faces, Paint Party Friday and a Meditating Witch!

29faces, creativity, PPF, watercolor | 14 comments


My very first PPF of the year! Can ya believe it? Almost the third month of the new year and just now I managed to post something for the challenge.

Funny thing is that AGAIN, Denthe was the one to remind me of it! I think it has been the third time or so that I decide to visit a few blogs that I hadn’t check in a while, I start with hers and BAM!  Art Challenge Warning! LOL
Too good! Thanks again Denthe for your awesomeness, beautiful inspiring work and for always keeping me on the loop about those challenges {even though you don’t know you do, hehe}

Okey dokey, so for today I decided to go with a little cutie I started a while back.

A meditating-witch! Yep! How fun is that? hehe
Here it is the very first pic of her:




Very wet as you can see. 😀

Then, a lot of progress {sorry forgot to take pictures in between}. I added the rest of her outfit, her hair, the sky, and a few flowers:


And finally all colored and ready for the final touches:



Some pencil to finalize and taaa-daaaa:



Oh, love her so much! I had fun creating her and turned out better then I thought, which is always a good thing!

I am off to check some of the artworks out there.
Have an awesome Friday!


PS & UPDATE —> Forgot to mention that this is my face 18 of the 29faces challenge. 😀


Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


  1. Rinda

    Magical! I need to work on my faces.

  2. sandra sherman

    What a fun subject to paint! i love the flowers she is levitating over 🙂 HPPF

  3. Giggles

    So adorable…full of whimsy!
    I find Denthe so inspiring too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. ann @ studiohyde

    Thanks for showing the process, lovely painting 🙂

  5. denthe

    Ha, so funny that I always “accidently” remind you of challenges! I’m glad that you decided to join! Love your meditating witch, very creative. Have been looking back through your faces (which I love btw) and must say that I’m now very intrigued by the second big miracle that you were going to announce …. Don’t keep us in suspense … 😉

  6. ann krier

    She is whimsycal , happy and at peace ! Awesome feeling that have portrayed. Happy PPF.

  7. Christine

    I love your happy piece! Welcome to PPF!

  8. Kim

    Whimsical, magickal, and so fun, love this! HPPF!

  9. Linda K

    such a delightful illustration!! Happy PPF!

  10. sue

    this is really cute!!

  11. Tracey Fletcher King

    so glad you are back sharing your wonderful bright creations with us … I really love the flowers that line the bottom… so fresh and light… xx

  12. Arnoldo L. Romero

    I love the fantasy in this composition and all the beautiful flowers. Blessings!

  13. LimeTree

    Hi you all awesome peeps!
    Thank you SO much for stopping by and leaving your love-notes. I really appreciate it 🙂

  14. Lynn

    So cute!!!


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