29faces – Days 16 and 17

29faces, creativity, watercolor | 0 comments

Hi pretty people!

Two more faces for the 29faces challenge.
I did the same as the previous post where I exchanged colors between both ladies. They turned out very “fallish”, hehe.



Those two make me…. 4 days behind!
Am I going to make it before the end of the month? 😀


Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


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