Shifting things for the last quarter of the year

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🍂Happy October, my fave!

It’s the last quarter of the year already! Crazy or what?🌀

🎨 It’s been a minute I don’t join an art challenge and when I saw one themed “portraits” and “fall”, I couldn’t resist! And this sweet darling hanging out with pumpkins and spice came through 😍

🎀How precious is she? Answer: Very!😄

What about you love?

How long has it been since you did something that you really enjoy?

Because , within the three months left in the year, are there meaningful and fulfilling things to you that you still plan on accomplishing?

👉🏼 What small step you can do today to move towards that?

🗯 “small step?! Raine, please!!! I’ve been trying to do this thing for a while and nothing! I’ve done so many ‘small steps’ yet I feel so stuck!”

Oh! ok I hear you, I hear you.

Let’s have a different approach then. One that goes a bit deeper.

Ready for it?


🌷 What have you done in the past that worked?
🌷 From the list above, which one of the items have you been doing lately?
🌷 Which ones have been missing?
🌷 How can you incorporate the missing ones right now?
🌷🌷🌷 And *if* some of the things that worked before aren’t working now {assuming you really did them!} what do you feel is different this time? Is there a new level/angle/layer that needs to be uncovered?

☀️Answering those question will help you sort out SO much of the stuckness, love! Truly.

Once you go through them, lemme know how it goes – what you found out, insights, etc

👉🏼 AND don’t forget that the *free* recalibrate your year is always there for you when you need to do a deep dive on each area of your life and get things shifted 😉


Wishing you an amazing new week and Happy October, my love!

May this be an awesome one!💗🌷





Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


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