NEW 29 Faces Challenge!

29faces, creativity | 14 comments

This is SO exciting!

Lately, my blogsphere routine has changed and I have been a bit out of touch with blogs I used to visit regularly.

Today out of all days I decided to go check a few of them and Denthe, oh sweet darling Denthe, there she was annocing the 29faces challenge starting again! TOO GOOD! I did this challenge once before and totally loved it! Perfect timing to pop in and check blogs! 😀 Funny thing is that I got to know about the challenge for the first time, thru Denthe’s blog as well! Sending smooches to her from over here 🙂

Ah, and it took me 1 and 1/2 months to finish the last one! LOL But I loved and enjoyed every day!
Actually during that lovely challenge I started putting togetther and playing with the idea of the Monthly Calendar! Yes, that challenge has a special place in my heart 😉

So for this first day, a very simple face. I was listening to a podcast this evening and doodling at the same time. So here is my little doodle lady all glittery because of the light reflection: 



And the real deal – Pencil sketch:



I am off to check some faces out there!
Have a lovely Friday peeps!


Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


  1. Nic McLean

    Hi, funny enough it was Denthe who alerted me to the fact that 29 faces was starting back up today too via Paint Party Friday! I don’t normally paint humans so when I learned that the faces didn’t have to be human, I decided to join in and as luck would have it – I happened to have 4 faces posted on my blog today so one of them will be face 1 of 29 faces!!

    • LimeTree

      Nic! Just saw your awesome doggies, they are so cute and well-drawn 🙂 Yay animal’s faces!

  2. Jenny

    Oh she is so lovely Raine… a sweet little face…
    happy that you are joining in with the challenge…

    Jenny ♥

    • LimeTree

      Hi Jenny! Thank you, I am SO happy to be joining too 🙂

  3. denthe

    Oh Raine, so happy you happened to look at my blog today and decide to participate again! Love your sweet little face, very original!

    • LimeTree

      Denthe, every time I go check your blog it inspires me somehow! I am super-excited with this challenge, just got back from the store with more art supplies, hehe 😉

  4. Ayala Art

    Oh she is adorable, simple, but with a lot of character ♥

    • LimeTree

      Thank you Ayala for stopping by and for hosting such a great gathering again! Love, love this challenge! 🙂

  5. manon

    This is a wonderful sweet little face nice meeting you!

    • LimeTree

      Hi Manon, nice to meet you too! 🙂 Are you in the challenge? I scanned thru the names in the list and didn’t see yours. Would love to pop in and say “hi” on your blog 😉

  6. Kim

    The face your drew is fabulous, I just love your style. Look forward to seeing more in 29Faces t his month!

    • LimeTree

      Thank You Kim! I am very looking forward to making them too! 🙂

  7. Kristen Watts

    She is very sweet! Looking forward to seeing more of your art!

    • LimeTree

      Thank You for your visit Kristen! I am looking forward to see all your gorgeous faces as well 🙂


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