How come have I forgotten to post some more for the 29faces challenge?

How dare I? 😀

Here we go with a few close-ups of the “calendar-models”:


AAANNDDD remember that cutie over here?

So, I liked her so much that I had to illustrate her again. This time in a cartoonish style:


I bet you I am the ONLY participant to complete the challenge in October! HA!

But I will finish it anyway! 😉

Smooches to you all,




Hey, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨

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